Web Design & Development Training (Online)
This ONLINE TRAINING will help you fulfil your dream of becoming a professional website developer. You will be trained on how to develop intuitive websites that impress users and provide the desired functionality. Join the next batch of students and be on your way to becoming financially empowered.
BATCH Starts: September 16, 2021
To register click the link below:
Websites have become essential tools for businesses, institutions, individuals and even governments. For this reason, being a web design/development expert is quite rewarding nowadays. The case of web design profession is in line with the proverbial idea of “many are called but few are chosen”. It is the well trained and proficient professional that successfully take advantage of the job and business prospects out there.
A lot of people complain about the difficult economic situation of the country. However for anyone to improve his/her financial status, there must first be a decision and commitment to take appropriate action. Begin your journey to becoming a financially empowered professional by registering for this course.
About the course / major areas to be covered:
- Website Overview
- HTML, CSS and JavaScript
- Overview of CMS
- How to use WordPress
- Difference b/w Web Design & Web Development
- Creating functional and appealing websites that meet the expectation of clients/users
- Web Hosting
- Business and employment (Job search/prep) Lessons
- Practical-based and transformational coaching programme
- Course duration is eight (8) weeks
- Certificates will be issued to successful participants